Animals have Feelings and Emotions Like Humans
Are they as Complex as Our Emotions? The TEDxBillings community recently had the opportunity to hear from Chrissy Pratt at our latest salon event. These salon events are bite sized events that build up to our main event that will be held on March 5th, 2022. Chrissy is a Montana native who has dedicated her […]
TEDxBillings Main Event is ALMOST Sold Out
Get Your Tickets before it’s too Late Throughout the year TEDxBillings is dedicated to bringing you salon events. These shorter evening events feature our speakers on a more intimate level. They’re a means of keeping the community involved as we lead up to the main event each year. That main event is just around the […]
Recovering the Lost Art of Listening
Failure to Listen Properly is Driving us Apart In a small town church in Texas, a member of the congregation was known for his attitude. He wasn’t exactly unruly, nor did he cause disturbances, but was known by what is referred to as a “Doubting Thomas.” He brought down the entire congregation with his negative […]
The Secret to a Stress Free Life
How You Can Eliminate Stress and Thrive! Stress can literally kill you. We all know that person who has a lot going on, but they always have this cool and calm demeanor about them. They don’t appear stressed, and if you ask them straight up if they are stressed, they tell you it’s all under […]
Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail
And How You can make Sure to Succeed Toward the end of every year, people scramble as they try to figure out which New Year’s Resolution they will make. Every year they scramble to figure out which will be easy enough to keep and yet won’t be a big deal when they inevitably fail. The […]
Emails Falling Flat? Try These Tips
How to Get More Opens and More Responses Email, despite the negativity that some people feel toward it, is still a fantastic communication method. The problem is that we’re inundated with messages throughout the day. Some inboxes pack in a few hundred over the course of 24 hours. Of course, we could unsubscribe, but what […]
TEDxBillings Fall Salon Event featuring Tim Pollard
TEDxBillings Fall Salon Event Featuring Tim Pollard Civility, Discourse, and How to Communicate with Tim Pollard A sold out crowd recently had the opportunity to hear from Tim Pollard, a renowned author, speaker, and a fantastic presenter. Tim customized his talk for our most recent salon event, and encouraged us to pay attention to how […]
The Power of Saying “Yes” in Your Life
Learning to Say Yes to Hidden Opportunities In our overstimulated, overworked, and overindulged lives, there’s a huge movement to say “No” to requests for your time. There are books about it, TED talks about it, and life coaches around the world pride themselves in their online courses that teach people how to say “NO” so […]
Collaboration Leads to Results… When Done Right
All Collaboration and no Contemplation Stalls Productivity Here at TEDxBillings, we’re all about the collaboration. It’s bringing people together, sharing ideas, and creating a community that is better for everyone. That collaboration is essential to helping others know about those ideas worth spreading. And we have to get together to find the right people to […]
Ideas Can Only Grow When You Spread Them
Why an Idea Can’t be Locked Up Forever I have a shelf over my computer monitors. It’s mostly full of little knickknacks that remind of events, pictures of family, and a couple other useful items. Right in the middle of the shelf, however, is a pinecone. Actually, it’s a redwood cone, but that’s not important. […]